Tissue Expander Outcomes in Plastic Surgery; A 13-Year Survey

Document Type : Original Article(s)


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Medical Student, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Background: Tissue expansion has developed as a routine procedure in plastic surgery in the past two decades. Also, tissue expander has become a useful adjuvant in pediatric burn reconstruction. As any other surgical endeavor, tissue expansion has its own disadvantages and potential complications. Our study was the first comprehensive study in Iran about tissue expansion. Methods: All patients underwent tissue expansion surgery in Imam Musa Kazem burn hospital and Alzahra hospital, Isfahan, Iran from 1995 to 2007 for reconstructive purposis were reviewd retrospectively. 208 expanders were placed in 135 patients. Data were gathered from medical and operative reports and through interviewin the patients. Each patient was studied with respect to indication for the procedure, location, shape and volume of expander, previous expansion if any concomitant expansion, and complications.Finding: 75 patients (55.6%) were women and 60 (44.4%) were men. The most common indications for tissue expansion were burn sequelae (80%), trauma scar (12.8%), and congenital abnormalities (6.6%) respectively. The age of patients ranged from 4-47 years (mean of 21.96 ± 7.2 years). Rectangular expanders were used in 52.4% of cases, round expanders in 13.4%, and crescend in 2%. The volume of expanders ranged from 30 ml to 1200 ml and the most common volume were 200-299 ml (47%). Period of tissue expander remaining in body were 312 days in breast and 78 days in forehead. Complications were seen in 34.2%; the most common complications were expander expousure (59.6%), infection (46.1%), and bad function of expander (13.5%) respectively.Conclusion: However, although afflicated with abread range of possible complications, the tissue expansion procedure remain a valuable and reliable technique for the reconstruction of burn patients suffering from extensive scarring. Knowledge of the frequency of complications, and precise instruction of the medical stuff as well as detailed and continious education of patients may help to further increase the efficacy of tissue expansion process.


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