Health Psychology and Coronavirus Pandemic Crisis (COVID-19): A Review Study

Document Type : Review Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Health Psychology, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD Student of Health Psychology, Department of Humanities, University of Tehran, Kish International Campus, Kish, Iran


Background: In addition to physical effects, the prevalence of COVID-19 has serious psychological consequences. The aim of this study was to provide a brief overview of the psychological consequences of the pandemic crisis of COVID-19 disease, and the strategies of health psychology in dealing with this crisis.Methods: In this review study that was done in March 2020, indexed articles on psychology and corona were used at the ProQuest, Pubmed, Scientific Information Database (SID), Ovid, Iranmedex, Science direct, Springer, google scholar, Scopus database.Findings: It was determined by reviewing reliable sources that psychological consequences of COVID-19 disease were different among health stuff, general population, infected patients, their families, and children, separately.Conclusion: From the perspective of health psychology, care strategies for different spectrums of individuals and ultimately reducing the effects of quarantine have been proposed. Furthermore, psychoneuroimmunological research evidence of the effects of stress and negative psychological consequences on immune function and greater vulnerability to coronavirus has also been discussed.


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