Resident, Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Background: Clinical measurement of pelvic floor muscle activity commonly involves techniques that are both physically and psychologically invasive; this study investigated transabdominal application of ultrasound to establish the validity and reliability of ultrasound measures in contrast with physical exam.Methods: One hundred more than 30 years old women were examed with urologist and were evaluated to have any kind of prolapsed; then the sonographer blindly imaged the patients and then the sonographic findings were compared with physical findings.Finding: Funneling after Valsalva maneuver with 90% sensitivity and bladder under symphysis with 80% sensitivity were valid criteria for diagnosis of cystocele.Conclusion: Transabdominal ultrasonography of pelvic can diagnose cystocele especially in moderate and severe grades.
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Ghanei, A. . "Diagnostic Value of Transabdominal Ultrasonography in Determining the Pelvic Relaxation", Journal of Isfahan Medical School, 28, 122, 2011, 1752-1758.
Ghanei, A. (2011). 'Diagnostic Value of Transabdominal Ultrasonography in Determining the Pelvic Relaxation', Journal of Isfahan Medical School, 28(122), pp. 1752-1758.
A. Ghanei, "Diagnostic Value of Transabdominal Ultrasonography in Determining the Pelvic Relaxation," Journal of Isfahan Medical School, 28 122 (2011): 1752-1758,
Ghanei, A. Diagnostic Value of Transabdominal Ultrasonography in Determining the Pelvic Relaxation. Journal of Isfahan Medical School, 2011; 28(122): 1752-1758.