The Success Rate of Tympanomastoidectomy Based on Middle Ear Risk Index in Patients Referred to Educational and Medical Centers Affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences


1 Associate Professor of Otolaryngology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Student of Medicine, School of Medicine AND Student Research Committee, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Background: To predict the success rate of tympanomastoidectomy surgery, there exists various toolkits such as Middle Ear Risk Index (MERI). The aim of this study was to evaluate the success rate of MERI in predicting the outcome of tympanomastoidectomy in Alzahra and Ayatollah Kashani hospitals in Isfahan in 2019.
Methods: In this Times Series study, 87 patients with Chronic Otitis Media (COM) underwent tympanomastoidectomy and, while assessing the middle ear risk index, underwent regular postoperative follow-up three times. Surgical outcome and MERI scores were compared to evaluate its efficacy in predicting the outcome of the operation.
Findings: According to the index, the severity of the disease was mild in 17 patients, moderate in 29 patients and severe in 41 patients. According to the results of our study, the success of surgical outcome was not significantly associated with the score obtained by MERI, but postoperative conduction hearing loss was significantly improved.
Conclusion: The findings of the present study indicate that determining the value of MERI in order to predict the success rates of tympanomastoidectomy requires further studies with a larger sample size and also taking in to account other possible variables that affect the outcome of tympanomastoidectomy.


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