Frequency of Complications of Ureteral Anastomosis (Stenosis, Urine Leakage and Urine Obstruction) after Renal Transplantation and its Related Factors in Alzahra Hospital, Isfahan, Iran; An Eight-Year Study

Document Type : Original Article (s)


1 Professor, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

3 Student of Medicine, School of Medicine AND student Research Committee, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Background: Generally, there are three kinds of urologic complications of renal transplantation including vascular, lymphatic and urologic complications; the urologic one is more common in the patients. These complications are related to several factors such as operation technique, characteristics of transplanted organs and donor and number of kidney arteries. This study aimed to determine the frequency of ureteral anastomosis complications (stenosis, urine leak and obstruction) after renal transplantation and its related factors.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, all the kidney transplantations done during 2004-2012 in Alzahra Hospital, Isfahan, Iran, were studied. Anastomose complications such as stenosis, urine leakage and obstruction were excluded from hospital records and entered to collected data form. Finally, the data were analyzed using SPSS software. Findings: Of 1419 cases of kidney transplantation, 630 (44.4%) were rehospitalized due to kidney problems; from them, 265 (42.1%) were during first 3 months, 251 (39.8%) during 3-6 months, 16 (2.5%) during 7-12 months and 98 (15.6) were at 12 months after the surgery or later. Of the 630 patients, 60 (4.2%) were rehospitalized due to anasthomosis complications. The kind of anathomosis complications was urethral stricture in 28 patients (46.7%), urine leak in 15 cases (25%) and urine obstruction in 17 patients (28.3%).      Conclusion: The incidence of ureteral anastomoses, as a complication in renal transplant, in our patients is the same as the other studies. Probably, the incidence of these complications is due to some factors such as patients’ age, number of kidney arteries and operation technique and these complications lead to rehospitalization and activities for prevention and on-time treatment is needed.


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