Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Application for Patients with Gynecological Cancers

Document Type : Original Article (s)


1 PhD in Nursing, Associate Professor, Community-Oriented Nursing Midwifery Research Center, Department of Adult and Geriatric Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran

2 MSc in Medical-surgical Nursing, Cancer Research Center, Student Research Committee, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran



Background: Patients diagnosed with gynecological cancers often face a range of complications. Utilizing mobile phone applications has the potential to enhance awareness and improve health outcomes for these patients. This study aims to design and evaluate a mobile phone application tailored for patients with gynecological cancers.
Methods: This descriptive-applied study was conducted in three phases. The first phase involved identifying the educational needs of patients diagnosed with gynecological cancers through a review of relevant literature. The second phase focused on the design of the mobile phone application, and the third phase was the evaluation of the application via a “QUIS” questionnaire administered to ten information technology experts and faculty members of health information technology.
Findings: The mobile application "Shafayar" offers both online and offline access. Its main menu comprises personal and clinical information management, weekly reports, a virtual clinic, relaxation techniques, yoga, and meditation. Evaluators using the QUIS questionnaire rated the application highly, with an average score of 8.42 out of 9, which was considered as good. The terminology and system information sections were particularly well-received.
Conclusion: Given the patients' need for appropriate educational resources and the limitations of in-person training methods, using a mobile application as an accessible and cost-effective approach can be beneficial. Therefore, this method is recommended for nursing managers, healthcare providers, and physicians.


Fatemeh Aliakbari: Google Scholar, PubMed

Shahram Etemadifar: Google Scholar, PubMed

Pardis Doosti: Google Scholar, PubMed


Main Subjects

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