The Relationship of Physical Activity Levels and Mental Health: A Case Study at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Document Type : Original Article (s)


1 Deputy of Cultural and Students Affairs, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Nurse, Christian Hospital, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management, School of Physical Education and Sports Science, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


Background: This study aimed to determine the relation of physical activity levels and mental health among staffs of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran.Methods: In this descriptive-interpretive research, the statistical society was formed by all staffs of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences consisting the professors in 2012. They were 1647 persons, and the sample size was computed as 332 persons using Cookeran formula, which were selected via classificatory random sampling method. The measurement instruments included physical activity questionnaire with 16 and standard mental health questionnaire with 28 questions; the validity of the questionnaires was proved according to the professors' and researchers’ opinions and the reliability via Cronbach coefficient (0.76 and 0.86, respectively). To analyze data, single-variance t-test, regression analysis, and correlation coefficient were used.Findings: The mean level of the staff's physical activity at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences was less than the intermediate level; and the status of their mental health was suitable status. There was positive and meaningful inter-relation between the sport physical activity level and spare times with the mental health status. However, no meaningful inter-relation was seen between the work physical activity level and mental health status.Conclusion: Regarding the importance of physical activity in increasing the employees' productivity in an organization, increasing physical activity more than the current working activities in the working place, expanding of sport physical activity, creating of sport conditions and facilities for the employees, and, involving the staff in physical activity in their recreation time is suugested.


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